Summer On Loop, 2022

Miami sky projected into the inside of the umbrella,

Quilted towel, pool chair, projector

Screen Shot 2021-03-14 at 2.24.27 PM.png

 Everybody Cuts Fruit, 2019

Isn't this relaxing?!, 2019

Influenced by pop-culture/social media-driven ideas of self-care, from DIY spa nights, stock images with motivational quotes, and Youtube ASMR videos, this video and installation was an attempt to create a relaxation room – of sorts. Combining visual and auditory elements to engage the visitor, whether creepily or forcibly, one is reminded to RELAX.

body_cloud, 2019

Collaboration with dancer, Melannie Iglesias.

Within Body_Cloud, the footage of a Miami sky is being projected on the dancer. She’s taking on the identity of these white moving forms. Her movements are in reaction to the speed of change and the different shapes the clouds take on. These ever-changing clouds take on a representation of myself and my cultural identity.

Miami Sky, 2019

Projection of Miami sky footage onto ceramic cloud forms. This project is in part supported by the NCECA Graduate Fellowship. Funding the proposal of furthering projection mapping on ceramic forms.

Lemon: Limon, Lime: Limon

translation isn’t always so clear.

Hay golpes en la vida...

My mother would stop whatever we were doing to read us poetry. It was usually in the middle of her cleaning and in the middle of our playing. More often than not she would come across a specific paperback. A pink, tattered flimsy book which held a collection of Cesar Vallejo's poems. She would make us listen to his lines, reading with a certain gravitas. Helping us understand Vallejo's weight.  The first two lines have been stored in my mind...

Near Facade

Near: close to being
Facade: an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality

A collaboration between a Ceramicist, Carolina Alamilla and Dancer, Julie Brannen.

Music: Ryan Adams